I’m Janet…

Wife and Mom to 3 hungry boys; living in South Africa

I’m passionate about wholefood and eating in a way that feels natural and easy

I’m a lover of adventure and addicted to tapping into something surreal - by the mere courage of having set forth

I believe that the power to accomplish anything lies within our own hands; driven only by our determination and will to try

For many years, I have grappled with being a chartered accountant (by profession) and my desire to teach. Finally, in my 50s, I am realising the synergy of these two professions and the significance of my journey.

In my early 30s, whilst living in London, I travelled repeatedly to Massachusetts, USA. I would escape London, between corporate banking contracts, and stay at the Kushi Institute in Becket. It was there that I learnt about macrobiotics, an Eastern philosophy that continues to weave it’s magic in and out of my life.